General limitations for sending remittances from Greece to foreign countries.

Through SmartPay, you can send remittances abroad for up to € 4000, without any special documentation and approvals and for any purpose.

How much money can you send?

For each customer, the total transfer amount to be sent abroad can sum up to a total of € 4000 on every two months.

What should you provide us?

Only your valid identification document for the verification of your identity. In order to execute your remittances, up to a total of € 1000 per month, no specific supporting documents and approvals are required, nor does it require any justification.

How can I send my remittances?

  • Through any outlet-agent or SmartPay’s branch network
  • By depositing the transfer amount plus commission, to SmartPay’s bank accounts in National or Piraeus bank and then via telephone order *

* To make use of this service, you must have first been identified at any of our service points and received your personal customer card

When are remittances performed?

The remittances are executed immediately and the delivery time is 10 minutes.